The Hotels Network SL | Trust Center
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Data Retention and Disposal Policy
A Data Retention and Disposal Policy specifies how customer data is to be retained and disposed of based on compliance requirements and contractual obligations.
Disposal of Customer Data
Upon customer request, Company requires that data that is no longer needed from databases and other file stores is removed in accordance with agreed-upon customer requirements.
Access to Customer Data is Restricted
Access to, erasure of, or destruction of customer data is restricted to personnel that need access based on the principle of least privilege.
Data Classification Policy
A Data Classification Policy details the security and handling protocols for sensitive data.

Physical Security

Physical Security Policy
A Physical Security Policy that details physical security requirements for the company facilities is in place.
Physical Security Safeguards
Physical protections are in place to safeguard facilities, infrastructure, systems, and data from external and internal threats

Network Security

Network Traffic Monitoring
Security tools are implemented to provide monitoring of network traffic to the production environment.

Risk Assessment

Vendor Risk Assessment
New vendors are assessed in accordance with the Vendor Risk Management Policy prior to engaging with the vendor. Reassessment occurs at least annually.
Risk Register
A risk register is maintained, which records the risk mitigation strategies for identified risks, and the development or modification of controls consistent with the risk mitigation strategy.
Risk Assessment
Formal risk assessments are performed, which includes the identification of relevant internal and external threats related to security, availability, confidentiality, and fraud, and an analysis of risks associated with those threats.
Vendor Risk Management Policy
A Vendor Risk Management Policy defines a framework for the onboarding and management of the vendor relationship lifecycle.
Risk Assessment and Treatment Policy
A Risk Assessment and Treatment Policy governs the process for conducting risk assessments to account for threats, vulnerabilities, likelihood, and impact with respect to assets, team members, customers, vendors, suppliers, and partners. Risk tolerance and strategies are also defined in the policy.
Vendor Due Diligence Review
Vendor SOC 2 reports (or equivalent) are collected and reviewed on at least an annual basis.


Confidential Reporting Channel
A confidential reporting channel is made available to internal personnel and external parties to report security and other identified concerns.
Privacy Policy
A Privacy Policy to both external users and internal personnel. This policy details the company's privacy commitments.
Description of Services
Descriptions of the company's services and systems are available to both internal personnel and external users.
Communication of Security Commitments
Security commitments and expectations are communicated to both internal personnel and external users via the company's website.
Communication of Critical Information
Critical information is communicated to external parties, as applicable.

Access Security

Unique Access IDs
Personnel are assigned unique IDs to access sensitive systems, networks, and information
Encryption and Key Management Policy
An Encryption and Key Management Policy supports the secure encryption and decryption of app secrets, and governs the use of cryptographic controls.
Administrative Access is Restricted
Administrative access to production infrastructure is restricted based on the principle of least privilege.
Service data transmitted over the internet is encrypted-in-transit.
Access Control and Termination Policy
An Access Control and Termination Policy governs authentication and access to applicable systems, data, and networks.
Access to Product is Restricted
Non-console access to production infrastructure is restricted to users with a unique SSH key or access key
Asset Inventory
A list of system assets, components, and respective owners are maintained and reviewed at least annually
Removal of Access
Upon termination or when internal personnel no longer require access, system access is removed, as applicable.


Backup Restoration Testing
Backed-up data is restored to a non-production environment at least annually to validate the integrity of backups.
Uptime and Availability Monitoring
System tools monitors for uptime and availability based on predetermined criteria.
High Availability Configuration
The system is configured for high availability to support continuous availability, when applicable.

Incident Response

Incident Response Plan
An Incident Response Plan outlines the process of identifying, prioritizing, communicating, assigning and tracking confirmed incidents through to resolution.

Change Management

Secure Development Policy
A Secure Development Policy defines the requirements for secure software and system development and maintenance.
Change Management Policy
A Change Management Policy governs the documenting, tracking, testing, and approving of system, network, security, and infrastructure changes.
Baseline Configurations
Baseline configurations and codebases for production infrastructure, systems, and applications are securely managed.
Configuration and Asset Management Policy
A Configuration and Asset Management Policy governs configurations for new sensitive systems
Segregation of Environments
Development, staging, and production environments are segregated.
Production Data Use is Restricted
Production data is not used in the development and testing environments, unless required for debugging customer issues.
Software Change Testing
Software changes are tested prior to being deployed into production.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability and Patch Management Policy
A Vulnerability Management and Patch Management Policy outlines the processes to efficiently respond to identified vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability Scanning
Vulnerability scanning is performed on production infrastructure systems, and identified deficiencies are remediated on a timely basis.
Third-Party Penetration Test
A 3rd party is engaged to conduct a network and application penetration test of the production environment at least annually. Critical and high-risk findings are tracked through resolution.

Organizational Management

Disciplinary Action
Personnel who violate information security policies are subject to disciplinary action and such disciplinary action is clearly documented in one or more policies.
Acceptable Use Policy
An Acceptable Use Policy defines standards for appropriate and secure use of company hardware and electronic systems including storage media, communication tools and internet access.
Code of Conduct
A Code of Conduct outlines ethical expectations, behavior standards, and ramifications of noncompliance.
Roles and Responsibilities
Information security roles and responsibilities are outlined for personnel responsible for the security, availability, and confidentiality of the system.
Internal Control Monitoring
A continuous monitoring solution monitors internal controls used in the achievement of service commitments and system requirements.
New Hire Screening
Hiring managers screen new hires or internal transfers to assess their qualifications, experience, and competency to fulfill their responsibilities. New hires sign confidentiality agreements or equivalents upon hire.
Background Checks
Background checks or their equivalent are performed before or promptly after a new hires start date, as permitted by local laws.
Information Security Policy
An Information Security Policy establishes the security requirements for maintaining the security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of applications, systems, infrastructure, and data.
Internal Control Policy
An Internal Control Policy identifies how a system of controls should be maintained to safeguard assets, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies.
Performance Review Policy
A Performance Review Policy provides personnel context and transparency into their performance and career development processes.
Information Security Program Review
Management is responsible for the design, implementation, and management of the organization’s security policies and procedures. The policies and procedures are reviewed by management at least annually.
Performance Reviews
Internal personnel are evaluated via a formal performance review at least annually
Organizational Chart
Management maintains a formal organizational chart to clearly identify positions of authority and the lines of communication, and publishes the organizational chart to internal personnel.
Cybersecurity Insurance
Cybersecurity insurance has been procured to help minimize the financial impact of cybersecurity loss events.